
No Thank You, Evil!

Created by Monte Cook Games

A game of make-believe for creative kids and their families from the team that brought you Numenera and The Strange

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Last Day—and Another Stretch Goal!
over 9 years ago – Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 08:01:55 AM

Hello, backers of No Thank You, Evil!

Today is the last day of the No Thank You, Evil! Kickstarter campaign. As if on cue, we’ve also just crossed over the $100,000 mark, making the My Storia Travel Guide & Passport a reality for the Kickstarter Edition of the game!

It has been so thrilling and gratifying to see how No Thank You, Evil! has been embraced—and that’s just a preview of how fun it’ll be finishing this game and seeing it get into the hands of kids and families everywhere. (Backers at the NO THANK YOU, PATIENCE! can look forward to playing in just a few weeks!) Could you have believed, when we launched this campaign five weeks ago, that we’d get to this point?

But It’s Not Over Yet!

Today’s the last day, and there’s still the bulk of the day ahead of us. We’ve hit an incredible milestone, but there’s no reason to think we can’t make the Kickstarter Edition even better! So how about one more stretch goal?

If we make it to $105,000 by the time this campaign ends in about seven hours, we’ll add an Equipment Deck to the Kickstarter Edition! Like the Creature Cards, Character Cards, and Cypher Cards that are already a part of both editions, these illustrated cards make it super easy to track things your character uses—in this case, special, unique items they can discover or buy for their characters and companions: outfits, gear, weapons, and so on. Everyone needs A Most Sparkly Princess Dress, The Real Eel Gun 2000, Fortune’s Favorite Collar, and more! This deck saves time and effort for kids who don’t write well, and it’s frankly pretty handy for the rest of us too!

Reminder: Postcards, Hero Stuff, and More!

I mentioned this in the last update, so I’ll be brief here: Most of our add-ons are exclusive to the crowdfunding process and won’t be items you can purchase when the game comes out. Don’t miss out on the really neat Postcards from Storia, which give your kid a great experience and an introduction to Storia in the weeks before you get your game. (Here’s a prediction: In a few months, when some backers start receiving these cards and sharing their experiences, a LOT of other backers are going to regret not having added these on.) The Hero Stuff is pretty awesome, too. Get these things now, before it’s too late!

A Final Wizard

On Monday we hit our #StoriaNeedsHeroes social media goal and added three new character types to the game. At that point we had only sketches from the artists showing what those types might look like. Our illustrators have been hard at work, and the awesome Cathy Wilkins turned over the finished version of the wizard yesterday. Have a look!

These final days have been so exciting—I can’t wait to see how the last few hours work out. Thanks for supporting No Thank You, Evil!


Just 24 Hours Left!
over 9 years ago – Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 07:46:01 AM

Hello, backers of No Thank You, Evil!

What an exciting couple of days it’s been! Like I mentioned in an update—gosh, just yesterday, but it feels like five updates ago—the last couple of days of a Kickstarter campaign are often really hectic, as people who’ve just heard about it, or have been on the fence, or who love the idea but haven't gotten around to backing it, all pile in at the last minute. This one has been no exception—and that’s awesome news for all of us!

Among other reasons, it's awesome news because it means we just hit yet another stretch goal! Can you believe that’s our seventh—and at the rate things are currently moving, we could hit more before this all wraps up tomorrow evening.

Having hit this stretch goal, we’re going to find a way to squeeze three more cool companions into the game. Voting has been ongoing in the Kickstarter comments—if you haven’t voted, head on over and tell us your choice! Here’s what’s on offer:

  • A. Clumsy Ghost
  • B. Tiny T-Rex
  • C. Venus Flytrap
  • D. Magic Mouse
  • E. Big Bad Wolf

We’ll put the three top vote-getters into the game!

Have You Remembered Your Hero Stuff?

Hero Stuff, and our other cool add-ons, are being made just for this Kickstarter campaign. These won’t be available when the game comes out in February—add them to your pledge now, before it's too late!

Add-ons are easy: Just go to the Kickstarter page and click the blue “Manage” button next to your pledge. Adjust your pledge upward by the cost of the add-ons. We do a survey after the campaign ends to make sure we have all your contact details and so on, and as part of that we’ll ask you what that extra money was for.

You might also consider choosing a higher backer level. For example, the HERO STUFF + MORE! backer level gets you everything in the BOX OF AWESOME level, plus:

  • Early access to the playtest version of the game—you could be playing in just a couple of weeks!
  • Your copy will be autographed by Shanna and Monte!
  • The Hero Stuff add-on package, which includes all the essentials for a trip into Storia: An exclusive poster map, a T-shirt, a Wet Willie, the Brave Light compo flashlight and pen, and the Hip-and-Cool flask.
  • Postcards from Storia: A series of postcards sent directly to you child from a character in Storia!
  • And you’ll get three extra copies of the My Storia Travel Guide & Passport, when we reach that stretch goal.

That’s a lot of value packed into one backer level, but when this Kickstarter ends, so does this opportunity. These items won't be available after the campaign! To adjust your backer level, simply click the blue “Manage” button next to your pledge on the Kickstarter page.

Spider Pirate!

Here’s a new piece just in from illustrator Michael Startzman. This eight-legged pirate lives on the good ship Shark Bait, just offshore of Out the Window in Storia.

We’re down to our last 24 hours. Share, tweet, and post—let’s make the most of it and hit another stretch goal or two!

Thanks for supporting No Thank You, Evil!


Another Stretch Goal Added to Your Game!
over 9 years ago – Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 07:31:37 AM

Hello, backers of No Thank You, Evil!

No, I’m not repeating myself—we’ve hit ANOTHER stretch goal, just hours after adding the Lucy Lawful and the Awful Waffle storybook to the Kickstarter Edition last night. We’ve passed the $93,000 mark, so we’re now adding two sticker sheets to the Kickstarter Edition. These stickers let you keep track of the places, people, characters, and companions you meet, and the True Treasures you discover. They’ll fit perfectly with the Travel Guide & Passport, but can also be used on character sheets, the poster map, foreheads, and anywhere else you want to stick things!

Speaking of the Travel Guide & Passport, remember that we add that to the Kickstarter Edition when we hit $100,000—that’s less than $7000 to go! This book lets players express what they’re experiencing in the game through a range of creative activities. Here’s some of what it includes:

  • “Where I’ve Been” Map: A special version of the map that allows you to mark or color the places your character visits in Storia!
  • Mini Monster Manual: Record the creatures—and their special quirks!—that you discover in the Monster Museum (and elsewhere in the world).
  • The Twelve True Treasures of Storia: Can you collect all twelve treasures? Keep track of your discoveries with the Treasure Stickers on your sticker sheets!
  • All About Me: What does your bedroom look like? Where does your companion sleep when you’re not out adventuring? What’s your favorite outfit? Draw and design every detail of your character.
  • Create-Your-Own Hero Stuff: Always wanted to create your own weapons, outfits, and armor? Or maybe your companion needs a new collar or a set of wings. Build them here!

Along the way, at $96,000, we’ll add three new companions to the game. And we’re going to let you help us choose! Here's what we're considering:

  • A. Clumsy Ghost
  • B. Tiny T-Rex
  • C. Venus Flytrap
  • D. Magic Mouse
  • E. Big Bad Wolf

Go to the comments section of the Kickstarter to cast your vote.

There Are Still LOADS of People Who Haven't Heard about NTYE!

Don’t forget these steps you can take—right now—to help us reach these goals by reaching more backers!


As always, here's a new piece of artwork for you! These are the saw-toothed witches, a type of creature sometimes encountered in Storia.

Remember, the campaign ends tomorrow evening. Share, tweet, and post—let’s make the most of it and add as much cool stuff to your game as we can!

Thanks for supporting No Thank You, Evil!


Lucy Lawful Is on Her Way!
over 9 years ago – Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 05:44:38 AM

Hello, backers of No Thank You, Evil!

Can you believe it? We just burst through our $90K stretch goal! Lucy Lawful is going to be a reality, and part of the Kickstarter Edition version of No Thank You, Evil!

Lucy Lawful and the Awful Waffle will be an illustrated storybook. Why a storybook? It’s a great way to introduce players, especially younger players, to the world of Storia and the sorts of adventures they’ll find there. Our story features Lucy Lawful as she tries to track down one of the Twelve True Treasures of Storia: The world’s most horrible breakfast item known as the Awful Waffle.

The end of the book presents a new dilemma, letting players jump right into a new No Thank You, Evil! adventure with characters and places they already know.

The Storia Travel Guide & Passport—and More!

We still have two days left, so there’s no reason we couldn’t hit more stretch goals and make your copy of No Thank You, Evil! even better!

In our playtests, we’ve found that kids love to draw their characters and companions, describe the places in Storia, write about creatures and adventures, and track their accomplishments. In fact, for many kids expressing what they’re experiencing is as important as playing through the adventures themselves. So we’re going to add the My Storia Travel Guide & Passport. This book gives players a place to record all these great thoughts! Here’s some of what it includes:

  • “Where I’ve Been” Map: A special version of the map that allows you to mark or color the places your character visits in Storia!
  • Mini Monster Manual: Record the creatures—and their special quirks!—that you discover in the Monster Museum (and elsewhere in the world).
  • The Twelve True Treasures of Storia: Can you collect all twelve treasures? Keep track of your discoveries with the Treasure Stickers! (see stretch goal below).
  • All About Me: What does your bedroom look like? Where does your companion sleep when you’re not out adventuring? What’s your favorite outfit? Draw and design every detail of your character.
  • Create-Your-Own Hero Stuff: Always wanted to create your own weapons, outfits, and armor? Or maybe your companion needs a new collar or a set of wings. Build them here!

We’ll add this to the Kickstarter Edition at $100,000. If you have more than one child, you’ll be able to get additional copies as add-ons. And we’re going to include three extra copies, at no extra price, in the HERO STUFF + MORE! backer level and all levels above it!

$100K is a challenge, so along the way, at $93,000, we’ll add a set of two sticker sheets. Keep track of the places, people, characters, and companions you meet, and the True Treasures you discover. They’ll fit perfectly with the Travel Guide and Passport, but can also be used on character sheets, the poster map, dog noses, and anywhere else you want to stick things!

At $96,000, we’ll add three new companions to the game. Kids love that their characters have companions, and they show amazing creativity in inventing and describing them. Playtesting shows us that when kids come up with something that’s not in the game, the existing selection of companions can be “kit-bashed” fairly easily to cover that gap. But adding more choices covers more ground with less kit-bashing and gives you and your kids a bit more inspiration. And as a bonus, as we approach this goal we’ll let you vote to help us choose the coolest new companion ideas!

Remember, there are less than two days left. Share, tweet, and post—let’s make the most of it and add as much cool stuff to your game as we can!

Thanks for supporting No Thank You, Evil!
